Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Video Update #16
Sorry I haven't done any updates over the weekend...I was hangin out with Josh and his family!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
It's 5 am...
...and I'm up and waiting for the shuttle to the ball field! I didn't do a video update yesterday, but basically we wrapped (finished at) the field that we've been on for the last week or so, and now we are going to another one. Yesterday there weren't as many planes, trains, and other noise-making devices to worry about, but we did have another problem: the sun. I know this may not sound very problematic, but when you've filmed 80% of a scene in overcast weather and the other 20% in direct sunlight... Let's just suffice to say that the post-production people will have a hard time making the lighting look continuous. But that's in the past now so I'll stop worrying about it and start thinking about today's stuff...I haven't gotten a call sheet so I don't know what we'll be shooting but I know it will be good!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Video Update #13
Sorry this video is a day late...there were technical difficulties with the internet. Grrr.
Monday, September 21, 2009
It's a Bird, It's a Plane...
...IT'S RUINING OUR SHOT!!!! GAH! (ahem.) Sorry about that...we had major audio problems today as every airplane in the state decided to fly directly overhead at perfect 1-minute intervals! And no, that's not really an exaggeration. We were still able to progress fine but there was a lot of cutting due to background noise of various types (planes, trains, noisy trucks, dogs, name it). Other than that, the day was great! It didn't rain at all, and remained more or less bright but overcast, which is some of the best lighting you can have for photography/film. There wasn't a whole lot going on in the wardrobe department because everyone kept the same costumes on the whole day, so I pretty much just hung around on set and watched. It was fun. Aaaand...that's about it for now!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Song About the Shoot by Amy
Here's a song that Amy wrote about the first week of shooting. You can't fully appreciate it because you haven't been here to experience it all but it's GENIUS. Enjoy...
Oh by the way...kilt man on the left is Gabe and the guy in the middle is Stephen Escobar, the producer's son. Their outfits are...interesting to say the least :)
Oh by the way...kilt man on the left is Gabe and the guy in the middle is Stephen Escobar, the producer's son. Their outfits are...interesting to say the least :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
No Call Today
Ok turns out that since we're actually shooting at a house today and only 3 of the actors will be used, I'm not going to be working today. So...I'm just chilling at camp for the day (and I got to sleep in until 10!!) but it's still kind of rainy and another group of campers is coming at 4. So I'll be stranded in the bunk house or laundry room for most of the day I guess :-/ Ah well. It is nice to catch up on sleep and rest up for next week.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Rain, Rain, Go Away
So today was day 2 at the baseball field and it rained again. Fortunately almost all of what we were doing was in the dugout so the rain didn't mess things up too just kind of slowed things down. I did my usual costume stuff...making sure everyone's outfits stayed neat, tidy, and consistent with how they were earlier in the scene :) I also held an umbrella in one scene when the main character had to walk into the dugout (and we didn't want him to get wet).
It was a fun day! So in between takes of the scene where I held the umbrella, Burgess Jenkins, the main character, and I had a chat. It turns out that 2-3o0 years ago, his ancestors owned Gaithersburg!! Weird, random fact...
Oh and another cool thing about this shoot: the makeup artist is Chris Varosky, the makeup artist for The Patriot, The Ultimate Gift, The New World, some episodes of the John Adams TV series, and other projects! Isn't that cool?
Anyways...I'm pretty tired again from standing and running around all day. But the good news is that call time is 10:30 tomorrow which means I get to sleep in!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!
This is a view from the tent I was in all day
Racks of costumes hanging up
Home sweet wardrobe truck

It was a fun day! So in between takes of the scene where I held the umbrella, Burgess Jenkins, the main character, and I had a chat. It turns out that 2-3o0 years ago, his ancestors owned Gaithersburg!! Weird, random fact...
Oh and another cool thing about this shoot: the makeup artist is Chris Varosky, the makeup artist for The Patriot, The Ultimate Gift, The New World, some episodes of the John Adams TV series, and other projects! Isn't that cool?
Anyways...I'm pretty tired again from standing and running around all day. But the good news is that call time is 10:30 tomorrow which means I get to sleep in!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!
This is a view from the tent I was in all day
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
More Pictures
3 days down, 12 more to go...
So I haven't had internet access for the last couple of days which is why I haven't posted anything (sorry). But now I do! So I will try to recount some of the grand adventures I've had on the film site.
For three days now I've woken up at 4 to make it to location by 5, and then worked 12-14 hour days. It's fun work but it does take a toll, especially on one's feet :) There's a lot of walking around and standing, especially if you're an intern and don't have a chair behind the monitor! So there are a number of jobs that wardrobe people do, and yesterday what I did most of the day was hang around on set and make sure people's costumes stayed good and presentable and didn't have fuzz sticking to them or strings hanging off, etc. This was cool because I got to see firsthand all the shots, camera setups, lighting setups, and all of that.
Today we moved from the jail to a baseball field, but it was overcast and it rained for about half the day. Grr. (prayer request: that the rain would hold off for the next few days even though the forecast is rain) But we still got several scenes filmed in between showers. I spent most of the morning fitting small boys for their uniforms and labeling all of their costume pieces. I also had a hair dryer on a long extension cord so that if the actors got water dripped on their costumes I could fix it :)
And now I'm back at camp! I'm pretty excited because my call time for tomorrow is at 6 instead of 5!!!!!!!!!! Haha I know it still sounds pretty early but it's a lot better than it has been.
Oh! Good story from this morning -- Amy and I were going to take Andrew's truck over to the site because he was going to drive the wardrobe truck. But...the wardrobe truck was at the P.O. and Andrew was leaving at 4:15. So I woke up at 4 and then got ready lightning fast, then rode over with Amy and Andrew. Then Andrew got in the wardrobe truck and I drove his truck (following him) and everything was looking good. However...the baseball field was difficult to find, and Andrew's truck was low on gas so it was quite an adventure getting to the field. But we made it in the end!
Ok that's about it for to come and a video update too :)
For three days now I've woken up at 4 to make it to location by 5, and then worked 12-14 hour days. It's fun work but it does take a toll, especially on one's feet :) There's a lot of walking around and standing, especially if you're an intern and don't have a chair behind the monitor! So there are a number of jobs that wardrobe people do, and yesterday what I did most of the day was hang around on set and make sure people's costumes stayed good and presentable and didn't have fuzz sticking to them or strings hanging off, etc. This was cool because I got to see firsthand all the shots, camera setups, lighting setups, and all of that.
Today we moved from the jail to a baseball field, but it was overcast and it rained for about half the day. Grr. (prayer request: that the rain would hold off for the next few days even though the forecast is rain) But we still got several scenes filmed in between showers. I spent most of the morning fitting small boys for their uniforms and labeling all of their costume pieces. I also had a hair dryer on a long extension cord so that if the actors got water dripped on their costumes I could fix it :)
And now I'm back at camp! I'm pretty excited because my call time for tomorrow is at 6 instead of 5!!!!!!!!!! Haha I know it still sounds pretty early but it's a lot better than it has been.
Oh! Good story from this morning -- Amy and I were going to take Andrew's truck over to the site because he was going to drive the wardrobe truck. But...the wardrobe truck was at the P.O. and Andrew was leaving at 4:15. So I woke up at 4 and then got ready lightning fast, then rode over with Amy and Andrew. Then Andrew got in the wardrobe truck and I drove his truck (following him) and everything was looking good. However...the baseball field was difficult to find, and Andrew's truck was low on gas so it was quite an adventure getting to the field. But we made it in the end!
Ok that's about it for to come and a video update too :)
Monday, September 14, 2009
1st day pics
A Long Day...
So today for me started at 4 am... the call time for us wardrobe peeps was 5 and we didn't end until 7. So I'm pretty zonked right now. Aaaaannd call time for tomorrow is 5:15 so I'm gonna have another early morning! FUN!
Oh one of the actors in the movie is this kid named Nick Edwards and he's adorable! He has a little brother named Ben and they are 11 and 9, respectively. And I love them. We had staring contests tonight at the restaurant :) They are some of the cutest, most fun and respectful kids I've ever seen!
Pictures are coming (not of the boys though :( )...but I don't have the brain capacity right now to give much more of an account. So I'll try to write more tomorrow. Now for some sleep... :)
Oh one of the actors in the movie is this kid named Nick Edwards and he's adorable! He has a little brother named Ben and they are 11 and 9, respectively. And I love them. We had staring contests tonight at the restaurant :) They are some of the cutest, most fun and respectful kids I've ever seen!
Pictures are coming (not of the boys though :( )...but I don't have the brain capacity right now to give much more of an account. So I'll try to write more tomorrow. Now for some sleep... :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Preview of the next couple of days...
Today was a nice relaxing day. I slept in until 10:30, did laundry, and then hung out for the rest of the day. There was another group of people at camp yesterday and today, so we had to keep a low profile. This was a little interesting because there weren't a whole lot of places to go or things to do, but it was okay. We went out for pizza and now I'm just chilling.
So tomorrow morning I'm going hiking and then at 4 we leave to go to the first location. It's about an hour and a half from camp, so we're driving down tomorrow and spending the night so that we can get to the jail (where we're shooting on Monday) by our call time at 5 (EEK!) It'll be fun though. I'm not sure if there'll be wireless internet anywhere at the jail, but there probably will be in the hotel. So hopefully I can still provide some sort of updates over the next 3 days. But if not...that's what I'll be doing!
So tomorrow morning I'm going hiking and then at 4 we leave to go to the first location. It's about an hour and a half from camp, so we're driving down tomorrow and spending the night so that we can get to the jail (where we're shooting on Monday) by our call time at 5 (EEK!) It'll be fun though. I'm not sure if there'll be wireless internet anywhere at the jail, but there probably will be in the hotel. So hopefully I can still provide some sort of updates over the next 3 days. But if not...that's what I'll be doing!
Friday, September 11, 2009
That's what I'll be doing this afternoon and evening - fitting little boys for their uniforms. We've been talking about doing this all through the week and it's finally happening! My department head Catherine and supervisor Christie will probably be out doing last-minute shopping during the fittings so I'll more or less be in charge! Fun... :)
I'm finally feeling in the swing of things! I'm getting more and more comfortable with the people I'm working with and the sort of stuff that I'm doing, so I can take more responsibility and do more administrative sort of stuff! It's exciting. But...I can't think of much else to say. So ta ta.
I'm finally feeling in the swing of things! I'm getting more and more comfortable with the people I'm working with and the sort of stuff that I'm doing, so I can take more responsibility and do more administrative sort of stuff! It's exciting. But...I can't think of much else to say. So ta ta.
It's Friday!!
And Friday means that it's the last day at the production office before shooting starts!! Eek! It's exciting but there's a ton to do in the meantime...
Here's a link to the official movie blog: They've posted at least one video and they'll be updating it as production goes along.
Here's a link to the official movie blog: They've posted at least one video and they'll be updating it as production goes along.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Pictures of the Warehouse
Thursday Morning
Well that's a boring title, but I couldn't think of anything better to call it. This morning I've been keeping pretty busy with various jobs. I finished printing off 5 copies of the screenplay!! (this sounds insignificant, but considering that it is 111 pages long...) I also went out on some errands to return some baseball caps and check out prices of cleats and other baseball accessories at three different stores. And now I'm back in the office! We'll see what other fun jobs I can find to do...
Ok so another random sign I saw while driving: "Men and Women - drop 3 sizes in 10 minutes" How in the world could you pull that off? I can just picture someone taking a pill and then just starting to shrink! It's rather a comical thought...
Ok so another random sign I saw while driving: "Men and Women - drop 3 sizes in 10 minutes" How in the world could you pull that off? I can just picture someone taking a pill and then just starting to shrink! It's rather a comical thought...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
More Pics
Pics of Camp
Kind of a Slow Day
Well my department head is off on a tech scout today so it's been kind of a slow day here at the office. I did a little bit of steaming and then was going to sew some chair backs (for director-style chairs) but the sewing machine was retarded and we couldn't get the bobbin to work. Derg. But then the wardrobe's truck came, which will be home base whenever we're on location next week and all after that. It's just a box truck that we're going to fit with shelves, clothing racks and lights. Once it's done I'll post a picture but we probably won't get to working on that until tomorrow. I'm really excited about filming! It shall be quite fun.
Ok so a funny thing from yesterday...we were driving back to camp and I saw a sign at a Shell gas station billboard that said: "Frank asks: Do our overseers need oversight? Are term limits the answer..." What in the world??? It was so totally random, I had to take a picture. First of all, who the heck is Frank? And why do we care about what he's asking? Second, what does the second sentence mean? Was it supposed to be a question: are term limits the answer? or a misspelling of 'our term limits the answer...'
Anyways. You probably didn't find that very funny. But I did. Goodbye.
Ok so a funny thing from yesterday...we were driving back to camp and I saw a sign at a Shell gas station billboard that said: "Frank asks: Do our overseers need oversight? Are term limits the answer..." What in the world??? It was so totally random, I had to take a picture. First of all, who the heck is Frank? And why do we care about what he's asking? Second, what does the second sentence mean? Was it supposed to be a question: are term limits the answer? or a misspelling of 'our term limits the answer...'
Anyways. You probably didn't find that very funny. But I did. Goodbye.
Production Meeting, etc.
So yesterday there was a team-wide production meeting, in which the department heads talked over points of business and the rest of us listened for 2 hours... it was pretty interesting but I got tired in the middle :) And I did a lot of steaming clothes too...but if you watched the video you already knew that. This is a shot of the production office and gives a little idea of the amount of work and all the bustle that goes on. Well we're about to head over so I'm gonna get off now. Seeya!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ok so here are a couple of totally non-artistic pictures of the bunkhouse. These are here to make all of you non-photographers feel good about yourselves. And...also to show you where I'll be living for the next 5 weeks.

And this next one didn't rotate... haha I wish I could see all of you turning sideways :)
And this next one didn't rotate... haha I wish I could see all of you turning sideways :)
Monday, September 7, 2009
First Night
So I'm all settled in and unpacked. We're staying at a camp/retreat center and so all the girls are in a big bunk room together which is fun. There are 12 beds but only 6 girls so there's plenty of space for our copious amounts of luggage...
So I keep saying that I'll post pictures but I haven't gotten the camera out yet...hopefully tomorrow I'll have some for ya. But there's not much more to do I'll stop rambling. Until tomorrow!
So I keep saying that I'll post pictures but I haven't gotten the camera out yet...hopefully tomorrow I'll have some for ya. But there's not much more to do I'll stop rambling. Until tomorrow!
I'M HERE!!!!!!!!
Well I'm here safe and sound in Winston-Salem, NC! I'm sitting here in the production office after a thrilling first day of cleaning muddy boots, sizing and pairing a bunch of shoes, and sizing and packing pairs of baseball pants that don't work. (can you tell I'm in the wardrobe department? :) Right now I'm taking a break from getting the whole costume crew run-down with my supervisor Amy. Shooting starts next Monday!!!
The production office is really cool. There are stations where all the department heads are sitting around working on important stuff :) Right next door is the warehouse, where they have a whole set being built of a warden's office. I'll try to post pictures later.
Anyway...time to get back to work. More updates to come!
The production office is really cool. There are stations where all the department heads are sitting around working on important stuff :) Right next door is the warehouse, where they have a whole set being built of a warden's office. I'll try to post pictures later.
Anyway...time to get back to work. More updates to come!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Ok so I'm gonna be in NC for 5 or 6 weeks this fall and so I thought I'd make a blog to post pictures or video or just talk about what I'm up to!
I'm leaving on Sunday, by the way :)
I'm leaving on Sunday, by the way :)
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