Wednesday, September 16, 2009

3 days down, 12 more to go...

So I haven't had internet access for the last couple of days which is why I haven't posted anything (sorry). But now I do! So I will try to recount some of the grand adventures I've had on the film site.
For three days now I've woken up at 4 to make it to location by 5, and then worked 12-14 hour days. It's fun work but it does take a toll, especially on one's feet :) There's a lot of walking around and standing, especially if you're an intern and don't have a chair behind the monitor! So there are a number of jobs that wardrobe people do, and yesterday what I did most of the day was hang around on set and make sure people's costumes stayed good and presentable and didn't have fuzz sticking to them or strings hanging off, etc. This was cool because I got to see firsthand all the shots, camera setups, lighting setups, and all of that.
Today we moved from the jail to a baseball field, but it was overcast and it rained for about half the day. Grr. (prayer request: that the rain would hold off for the next few days even though the forecast is rain) But we still got several scenes filmed in between showers. I spent most of the morning fitting small boys for their uniforms and labeling all of their costume pieces. I also had a hair dryer on a long extension cord so that if the actors got water dripped on their costumes I could fix it :)
And now I'm back at camp! I'm pretty excited because my call time for tomorrow is at 6 instead of 5!!!!!!!!!! Haha I know it still sounds pretty early but it's a lot better than it has been.
Oh! Good story from this morning -- Amy and I were going to take Andrew's truck over to the site because he was going to drive the wardrobe truck. But...the wardrobe truck was at the P.O. and Andrew was leaving at 4:15. So I woke up at 4 and then got ready lightning fast, then rode over with Amy and Andrew. Then Andrew got in the wardrobe truck and I drove his truck (following him) and everything was looking good. However...the baseball field was difficult to find, and Andrew's truck was low on gas so it was quite an adventure getting to the field. But we made it in the end!
Ok that's about it for to come and a video update too :)

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